Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Video daging selepas 30 minit disembelih

Pakar cakap, jantung boleh terhenti dan boleh dihidupkan

dengan bantuan CPR. Otak pulak boleh damage jika jantung

terhenti lebih 5 minit. Siapa yg PANDAI dan berani buat CPR???

Video daging lembu di atas diambil selepas 30 minit disembelih..

Monday, December 28, 2009

Somethings to Visit in Kuala Lumpur

I visited the Pavillion shopping complex on 26/12/2009.
Nothing much special. Semua pun ada di kompleks lain.
Yang beza, All things are quite expensive there.

1 thing caught my attention was the food court.
It was called FOOD PUBLIC instead.
Food varity are a lot to choose.....

The rest of it was merely a shopping mall.......

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

5 kali split turut-turut.....

Mengaku Kalah?????

Sejarah dlm hidup saya;
Megalanes KL, Endah Parade, Sri Petaling.
5 kali spilt berturut-turut......
Fuhhhhhhh.....Pening dibuatnyerrrr.........
memang boleh tergolek frust....
Tepuk dahi.......tak sampai hati...nanti kapla sakit...
Macam terlalu banyak pin kat hujung sana...

Hanya semangat Never Say Die.........
yang membantu utk dapat 138 pinfall...
Itu kena denda RM2.00....... juga beb..........

TERBUKTI.....semangat.....TIDAK Luntur...

31/7/2010, Summit, USJ.....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Prof ni betuk ke Dak ni...?????

To: Mon, October 19, 2009 1:42:27 PM

A column on 11 Oct 2009(Sunday) caught my eyes by Prof Dr M Tajuddin.

Prof Dr M Tajuddin writes:
And, finally, I have often wondered why there are no Chinese food stalls to cater to the great number of Chinese users? Could it be that it is because PLUS is a company dominated by one race? Or is someone paranoid about non-halal “contamination”?

My Comment:
As a Malaysian, I am in the opinion that the current system of foodcourt by PLUS and other Highway is already supporting the 1Malaysia togetherness. I should say that it should be maintain or otherwise, the malay will eat at their own compartment and does not mix with the other races or vice versa. You eat there and I eat here or that sidelah......

Sorry to Prof Dr Tajuddin, I had to voice my opinon as 1Malaysian.

No heart feeling Proff....just from my sincere heart

an ordinary 1Malaysian

Buah Special

Pernah nampak atau jumpa?????

Isinya sangat sedap...lemak.......

Bijinya, kalau digoreng...
sedap jugak.....

Keindahan Laut di sekeliling Sabah

Lihatlah sendiri.....
Datanglah ke Kota Kinabalu.......

Tak perlu pergi Sipadan..
kat Pulau Sekitar K.Kinabalu pun dah cantik..

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bawah Awan Atas Awan

Bila terbang di atas awan......
Cuba cari pertemuan langit dan laut.......

Ada pula warna kekuning-kuningan.....

Masih terapung-apung diatas awan...
dan bila masa menjadi gelap......

Ada Indah Nun tinggi di atas sana
Ada yang gelap di bawah sini
Ada orang duduk di singgahsana
Ada orang yang susah di bawah sini

sama2 kita renungkan......

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Selalu sangat kita dengar ayat ringkas ini di ungkapkan......
Uhmmmmm.....apa sebenarnya yang tersurat dan tersirat dlm
ungkapan TERLUPA BUKAN TAK INGAT NI........?????

Mungkinkah ia jadi alasan semata.........
Mungkinkah ia satu jalan keluar dr persoalan....

Bila terlihat gambar masjid ini......rasa teringat betapa indahnya
ciptaan tuhan....
SAMA2 kita beringat....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Batu Atas Kereta

Bila nak Parking.......tengok ATAS...

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Banyak betul kisah2 pasal LORI ni.....

Lori Pasir vs Lori Kayu Balak - Sama2 kita beringat.....
26/11/2009, Kota Tinggi, Johor
Pertembungan 2 gergasi jalan ini telah mengakibatkan
pemandu lori pasir maut di tempat kejadian........

Kenapa Lori ROTI ni jatuh dan BUKAN lori sayur
atau LAIN-lain lori. Sama2 fikirkan.............

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CERITA ROKOK Sahabat Kedua

Sama ada rokok atau lain punca yg telah menyebabkan kawan saya meninggal kita sama-sama renungkan.

Kawan saya ini sungguh periang orangnya dan sentiasa menghiburkan orang lain. Cuma tabiat merokok Allahyarham ni agak menakutkan. Dia akan rasa mengigil bila tak kena dgn rokok dlm jangka masa yg dia biasa kena.

Doktor telah menasihatnya utk berjumpa dgn pakar jantung sebanyak 2x katanya, tapi dia keberatan nak pergi.....entah kenapa, hanya Allahyarham sahaja yg tahu...

Yg agak membuat saya terasa kehilangan ialah, Allahyarham masih dalam awal 40an ketika meninggal kerana serangan sakit jantung.

Jadi ROKOK ini.........apa kita boleh elak ke tak??????

Monday, November 23, 2009


Dalam suratKhabar pd 23/11/2009, 1 kemalangan van.
Did the driver missed getting proper and adequate sleep, minimum 7 hours (as research revealed). If you are not getting enough sleep ( 7 hours ), you are playing with fire, even if you have low stress. This have been his killer.

Satu lagi kemalangan pd 26/12/2009..waktu malam.
Pemandu mengaku terlelap.....letihlah tu......
Seorang memandu jarak jauh tetapi
tidak mendapat tidur yg cukup.
Berita terbaru 1/1/2010.
Gambar di atas menceritakan segalanya.....

Sama-sama kita renungkan...........dan PIKIR lah SENDIRI...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Carilah ketenangan di rumah di kala maghrib........
Cubalah lihat pada kejadian yg terurus........
Kongsilah cerita kebaikan......
Kurangkan mengumpat.....PASTI dapat KETENANGAN.....heheheheee

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Siapa Bijak

Burung ke manusia?

Burung ke manusia?


Monday, October 26, 2009

Tutup & Kunci pintu kereta anda

Somewhere somehow....... becareful.

INGAT tutup cermin dan kunci PINTU.

JANGAN BUAT spt di bawah.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Di Manakah Kita Dalam Cakrawala

Renung, lihat dan carilah dimana kita dalam alam yg terlalu luas ini....

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Bersyukurlah......Carilah Rezeki dgn cara HALAL....

saya sangat bersyukur dgn apa yg ada........

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cerita Rokok

kadang2 rokok punya hal pun ada boleh cerai…
ada kajian yg menyatakan yg asap rokok boleh mengeringkan muka…….betul ke????
sama2 kita tanya pada yg merokok.........utk ambil iktibar

I want to tell you all a true story about a friend of mine in year 1988. I could not forget him until now eventhough I had not seen him since I left the company we worked together.
At time, he was 38 and I was 27 (still fresh from u.) at that time.
What I cannot forget him was his coughing problem every early morning when he come to office .
We could hear and recognise his cough from 2nd floor eventhough he is just starting to climb the stairs.

His smoking habit was like if he cannot survive without a stick of cigararette in between his finger.

One day, he complain his cough is getting bad. And all of us agreed that he should see a doctor. Unfortunately, when he return back from clinic his face was sad and red....

At that point of time, the rest of us were like looking at each others raising shoulders. Nobody could start asking(silence) what happen for about 30 seconds. And finally, he broke the so called bad news to him.......

He said the doctor rejected him and refuse to give him any medicine for his cough...He said the doctor advised him to stop smoking immediately. He added that the doctor will only continue to provide treatment if he stop his smoking. We all agreed to the doctor suggestion.....yaaaa why not. Its good for him.

The next day, he came to office late....around 10a.m. We asked him what happened??????He replied, "Saya pergi jumpa doktor, emalam tak boleh tidur.BATUK TERUK". So what did the Doctor said???? He said, the doctor refused to treat him.......Fuhhhh, This is very serious case. But he said, he take this challenge this be continue next week..

Cerita akan datang...tungguuu....

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Ada orang kata, berteka teki antara teknik yang boleh mengurangkan kekusutan dalam minda kita. Tak tahulah saya samada betul ke tak tapi cubalah dan rasalah sendiri....

Minggu pertama ini(9 Oktober 2009)
1. Binatang apa yang suka berniaga?
Jawapan: Kambing

Aku pernah tanya si Kambing, dia jual ape???
kambing kata dia jual, beg (beg tangan lelaki ada jual ke????...hehehehehee)

2. Soalan minggu ke-2 (16/10/2009)
Sakit apa bila menyentuh, semua nya sakit????
Sakit bisul kAt hujung jari......

Minggu ke-3 (23/10/2009)...tunggu....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cerita Telor

Kerana sakit, telur dapat nama buruk
Let me tell you all a little story sometimes ago…
It all starts back in the early 70’s when bell bottom trousers (used by Elvis not forgetting DJ Dave and Hail Amir including me) were in fashion…

Now, these fashion is back again, mostly worn by youngsters (especially by young ladies).
However, sometime around 1972, the American Heart Association issued a report stating that you should limit the amount of eggs consumption to reduce cholesterol intake.

Kasihan si Telur… dpt nama buruk “forbidden food” .
As a result, for years we were told by so-called “health experts American” that we should not eat more than 3 per week or any at all! Fuhh, kejam betul pakar fitnah dari Amerika ini.
Maka si telur pun jadilah musuh manusia #1… especially those pitty little yolks…they were accused as the “brains” behind the egg’s artery invasion.

So then the egg white omelet was born. Truth be told… the thought process behind the whole theory was sound…These “experts” thought that because eggs have cholesterol in them (especially in those nasty little yolks) so common sense says that they must raise cholesterol levels in our blood.

Betul ke ni?????
Salah..salah salah salah dan sangat silap!

Studies have proved that this theory is seriously flawed.

For example, the Framingham Heart Study found that egg consumption was unrelated to blood cholesterol levels or heart conditions and that includes the yolks.

In another 14-year study… 117,000 nurses and health professionals found that there was no difference in the risk for coronary heart problems between those who ate less than one egg per week and those who ate more than one egg per day.

So forget what you used to hear about our buddy the egg… because once you set aside the “Egg Myth”… you’ll see just how healthy and nutritious they really are.

Eggs are a great source of protein which providing about 5 grams of protein per egg and only about 70 calories.

They are also the most complete source of protein…that means they have all the nine essential amino acids that your body needs… and amino acids are the “building blocks” of muscle and other tissues in the body!
Eggs are full of vitamins, such as: A, B, C, D, E and K; as well as minerals (iron, zinc, selenium), as well as antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.
Cubalah baca berkenaan …iron,zinc, selenium...
banyak kebaikan kita akan dapat tau....

Kasihan si Telur

akan bersambung...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya yg pertama

Ketika semua umat islam di Malaysia (ketika itu, hari raya masih bergantung sepenuhnya melihat anak bulan) menyambut malam Aidilfitri pada tahun 1985, saya sedang bertugas di Johor sebagai Site Supervisor utk kontraktor pembinaan.

Seorang Bos saya ketika nak petang raya itu bertanya pada saya, bila nak saya balik kampung? Saya menjawap, tidak. Terpinga-pinga dia seketika mendengar jawapan dari saya tadi. Tetapi dia tak bertanya lebih lanjut ketika itu. Saya kata ada kerja kat tapak yg sedang berjalan dan perlu siap esok. Katanya, kalau begitu Selamat Hari Raya katanya. Dia akan balik petang itu dan bos yg berbangsa cina ada bertugas.

Bagi saya, malam Raya pd mlm itu tiada berbeza dr malam2 yg lain. Entah kenapa???

Mungkin kerana aku ketika itu masih baru atau muda lagi......

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Awet Muda

Awet Muda?
Apo ko bondo awet mudo ni?
Ako po tak pahe.
Ado oghe kato, rupo cantek tak makan tuo.
Fuhhh, kalo gitu, ako pon nok(pikiran kato).
(Hati kato), Yang penting jiwa mesti canteekkkkk.

Tip 1 Awet Muda. Teruskan ikut watak2 akak2 yg happy selalu. Sebab, ini adalah antara punca2 atau saliran untuk nak lepaskan 'stress'.
Lepas tu kita amati betul2, wajah2 akak2 tu, ada yg dah berusia agak dah season(orang KL cakap) dan ada yg masih muda trang tang tang dan tak juga kurang yg sedang/akan merasa darah manis(orang tua dulu kata).
Tanyalah berapa umur, haaaaa semua mengaku belum 40...heheheheeee...yg dah berumur tu janganlah perasan muda lagi. Pd yg muda, jgnlah terasa tua lak sebab kita sendiri tau umur kita kan......
Tip 2.......
Bercampurlah dgn seramai kawan2 yg boleh bercerita tak serius....ceritalah apa yg menyakitkan kepala....Jgn cerita yg memburukkan orang lain dahlah....
selamat ceria selalu dan MESRA....jumpa di masa-masa akan datang....